
he irony of Cuba is that the hardcore-communist next-door neighbour to the evil-capitalist USA is actually the most capitalist country I’ve ever been to. This wasn’t a nice trip. Every single, and I cannot overstate this, every single person we met tried to get something from us. From the bullshit stories about a daughter in […]

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United States

hey say you can’t take a photo of New York that hasn’t already been taken. I’m not going to try to prove them wrong. But photography, to me at least, isn’t about being different, or new, or anything really. It is about documenting life, as boring and as exciting as it gets. To me, this […]

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Stuffed Animals & Samurai

kay, let’s be real. There is nothing sexy about Darmstadt. It literally translates to bowel city. Whoever came up with that name had a… shitty idea of marketing. But we went there, for a wedding, which was great, and then we had half a day to spend there the next day. Tripadvisor had a list […]

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Ait Benhaddou

ight hours on a bus blasting hard rap music and traditional arabic chants on maximum volume while steering dangerously close towards a gaping chasm. Plus cats, plus snow. Worth it! All shots were edited on my phone for a lack of a laptop.

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ay one. There’s cats everywhere. And they’re cute and cuddly! I’ve slept below four blankets and I’m still cold. Tajines are as amazing as Wifi is bad. Send chocolate!All shots were edited on my phone for a lack of a laptop.

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Akademie 4.0

Akademie 4.0 01 -Klient Akademie 4.0, Firmenberatung 02 -Aufgaben Konzept, Psychologische Marktforschung, Corporate Identity, Programmierung, Video Animation 03 -Projekt kademie 4.0 ist eine Online-Lernplattform zu den Themen Digitalisierung, Innovation, und BGM. Die Plattform befindet sich derzeit in der Beta-Phase, der Release ist für das erste Quartal 2018 geplant. Firmen und Individuen steht eine Auswahl an […]

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Packaging Psychology

Packaging Psychology 01 -Klient Persönliches Projekt (Masterthese) 02 -Aufgaben Psychologische Recherche, Studienentwicklung, Studiendurchführung, statistische Analyse, Forschungs-Auswertung, Produktentwicklung, Produktion, Design, Fotografie 03 -Projekt ür meine Masterthese untersuchte ich den psychologischen Effekt von Verpackungsdesign auf Konsumentenverhalten. Da meine Supervisorin aus dem Environmental Department kam, kam ich absolut unabhängig auf die eigenständige Idee, mich spezifisch auf Recycling-Verhalten zu […]

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grew up to my grandmother’s stories of her travels. She had this book about her journey through Nepal and Tibet. Even back then, when I couldn’t even point out Nepal on a map, I was completely mesmerised by the colours, the people, and the architecture. In 2017, I decided to follow her path.All shots were […]

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Monkey Business

he Swayambhunath is a religious complex made up by shrines, temples, and a stupa, and sits on top of the Kathmandu valley. It is also full of monkeys. It is scary how human they act, and as they are sacred creatures at the temple, they are treated kindly, are fed, and are very trusting. My zoom-lens was […]

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Sa Pa

e slept through the entire trip to Sa Pa. At least I did. When we left the bus at 5 in the morning, it felt strangely familiar. The trees and the broken roads reminded me of my childhood in the Black Forest. It even smelled the same! We dropped our bags off at the hotel […]

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had a few months of time off between finishing my Master’s and graduating. We decided to  travel through Asia. I had fallen in love with Thailand on my first trip there, but there was so much more to explore, so we headed to Vietnam. We almost died at least four times a day in the […]

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I asked friends to think of the one thing in life that makes them happy. The one thing, that one feeling, that one person that fulfils them, that makes them smile, every time, with all their heart. Here is what they thought of. “Her” “My little brother” “Family” “Sarah” “Serenity” “Silliness” “Butterfly” “Intimacy” “Our future” […]

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